Rund 180 Schüler und Schülerinnen der Jahrgansstufe 10 und EF waren heute TeilnehmerInnen des Verkehrsunfallprogamms „Crash Kurs NRW: Realität erfahren. Echt hart.“
Die Ausbildungsinitiative zu Gast an der TKG
Am 02.09.2024 war die Ausbildungsoffensive erstmals Gast an der TKG.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zur Aufnahme in das Schülerstipendienprogramm Studienkompass zur
Erstmals wurden vier Schülerinnen der TKG am Mittwoch, 04.09.24 im Rahmen der Aufnahmefeier im BRYCK Tower in Essen in das Schülerstipendienprogramm „Studienkompass“ aufgenommen.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zur Aufnahme in das Schülerstipendienprogramm Studienkompass zur weiterlesenPolitikwissenschaftler zu Besuch an der TKG: Spannende Einblicke in die Europäische Union
Welche Folgen hätte eine Erweiterung der Europäischen Union? Welche Kriterien müssen Beitrittskandidaten erfüllen? Müssen alle EU-Mitglieder den Euro einführen?
Diesen und vielen weiteren Fragen widmete sich Dr. Oliver Schwarz vom Institut für Politikwissenschaft der Universität Duisburg-Essen am vergangenen Donnerstag, den 5. September 2024, in einem Expertengespräch an unserer Schule. Anlass war die aktuelle Auseinandersetzung des Grundkurs Sozialwissenschaften der Q1 mit der Frage „Sollte die EU erweitert werden?“.
Politikwissenschaftler zu Besuch an der TKG: Spannende Einblicke in die Europäische Union weiterlesenEndlich – Turm Süd der TKG ist fertig
Nach gut vier Jahren Sanierung konnten die Jahrgänge 9 und 10 am Freitag,
31.08.2024, endlich ihre neu gestalteten Klassenräume und Flurbereiche beziehen.
Mit dem Zerschneiden von „Schleifen“ wurden die Flure und Klassenräume feierlich
den jeweiligen Lerngruppen, die total begeistert waren, übergeben.
Alle freuen sich nach Reichenberger Straße und Containern über dieses neue
C. Hiller-Kitzmann
Herzlich Willkommen an der Theodor-König-Gesamtschule
Am vergangenen Mittwoch fand an der Theodor-König-Gesamtschule die Einschulungsfeier des Jahrgang 5 für die neuen Schülerinnen und Schüler statt. Die Abteilungsleiterin, Frau Mäckler, begrüßte die aufgeregten Neuankömmlinge mit herzlichen
Worten und wünschte ihnen einen erfolgreichen Start in ihre Schulzeit. Besonders das schöne, kurzweilige Programm, das von den engagierten Sechstklässlern und ihren Lehrerinnen und Lehrern vorbereitet worden war gab der Einschulung einen festlichen Rahmen. Die älteren Schüler und Schülerinnen zeigten mit viel Begeisterung und Kreativität eine bunte Mischung aus Musikdarbietungen, Gedichten und kleinen Tänzen. Es war ein gelungener Start an der Theodor-König-Gesamtschule und alle Beteiligten freuen sich auf das kommende Schuljahr.
Unsere neue EF – der Abiturjahrgang 27 – ist da!
Arrival in Germany, first days – impressions and experiences (2)
In Düsseldorf, Germany, I strolled along the Rhine River, soaking in the picturesque landscape and lively atmosphere. The eclectic mix of modern architecture and historic landmarks was captivating. Exploring the quaint cobblestone streets, I indulged in local delicacies at charming cafes, immersing myself in the rich culture of Düsseldorf.
My experience in Germany so far it’s going as alluring as I expected. For the first time, I saw a Tesla, a Lamborghini and the latest Audi. I also got the chance from Kerim to sit in the cars mentioned above. Pulchritudinous evergreen plants everywhere added a glimpse definition of beauty. The weather can be favorable at some moments but at some, no. It can really become extremely cold in a peculiar way but it’s really good. Furthermore,Kerim showed me one of the biggest mosques in Germany and a lot of churches and it was really interesting. Other than that so far I think Germany is really a good and peaceful country in terms of different cultural diversities and education systems. I’ve also came across a street that is having the same name as one of our towns in Namibia. It shows like what the Germans did to our ancestors was good. The idea of having streets named after our town is unbearable to the Namibians because it indirectly gives us a feeling that they have the pride of what they did. Theodor König Gesamtschule is really an organized school. Learners are well disciplined. The teaching methods are really simplified and makes it easy for the learners to easily comprehend a certain subject topic. By this I mean they have a greater exposure to vast amounts of information and knowledge than the Namibian kids. This is due to the fact that they all have electronics unlike the Namibian kids. In conclusion, naming of streets in Germany should be really bearable to the Namibian victims and Germans should implement favorable education systems in Namibia.
Arrival in Germany, first days – impressions and experiences
The whole experience is completely new. The flight being my first was long and uncomfortable. The weather change was quite obvious and it was very cold. When I arrived in Germany, I saw loads of grafitti and that was alarming as that is not common back home in Namibia. I was very tired and my stomach was bothered because of the plane, thus I was not feeling well. On the second day, we visited the African centre. We saw streets named after towns and a city back in Namibia (Swakopmunder ~Swakopmund) and that was very thought and emotion evoking. I never thought I would witness that and it got me thinking about all the colonial traces still present in the world today. School is very interesting and very interactive. I learned alot about the different teaching styles of different teachers. I honestly felt very welcomed and appreciative of how everything was translated and made accommodated me. Today we visited the Gasometer where we took part in Tree2Tree which is similar to zip lining but in a controlled area. It was quite challenging, but enjoyable. We visited the Centro shopping centre in Oberhausen as well. It was a very fun and productive day all in all. I can not wait to experience the rest of Germany.
Germany, a country steeped in history and culture, offers a fascinating blend of the old and the new. My experience so far in this remarkable nation has been eye-opening, filled with historical insights, graffiti, and breathtaking landscapes. Everything started from Hosea Kutako International Airport back in Namibia, where we experienced minor complications, but luckily, we solved them very quickly. I would describe the flight to Germany as “HORRIBLE” as I struggled to sleep, was thirsty the entire way, the line at the toilet was too long, and everything was just tiring. Upon arrival in Germany, we were greeted with welcoming spirits by our German partners at the airport. Stepping into Germany felt like walking through the pages of a history book. From the country’s buildings and infrastructure, each place I explored unveiled a unique part of Germany’s identity, blending the past with the present in a way that left a mark on my memory.
In terms of accommodation, we Namibian learners stay with host families. As for me, I stay with Nick (my partner) in an apartment alone, and all I can say is that I feel really welcomed and at home. At first, I wasn’t really comfortable, but now I can say that I feel Like I’m going to enjoy the upcoming days. I can’t wait for the amount of fun we are going to have, honestly. We went to school today, and all I can say is that the education system here is evolving into a more digital world as learners here use tablets instead of hardcopy books like back in Namibia. The lessons here are much more interactive and fun. My experience so far has been wonderful, fun, and most deliciously memorable. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow unfolds.
Friedensdorf International e.V. – Tagesseminar
Im April konnten wir, dank der Unterstützung der TalentMetrople Ruhr einen Einblick in die Arbeit der Hilfseinrichtung Friedensdorf International e.V. erhalten.
In Rahmen einer Einführung erhielten wir zunächst einen Einblick in die sich ausschließlich über Spenden finanzierende Hilfseinrichtung, die verletzte und kranke Kinder aus Kriegs- und Krisengebieten (Angola, Afghanistan, Usbekistan etc.) zur medizinischen Versorgung nach Deutschland holt.